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Online Group Healing

Online meeting on Zoom.

Healing theme: Unlived Life Potential.

Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm Melbourne, Australian Eastern Standard Time. Please be on time. There will be no late entry after 10.40am as it will disrupt the group container.

Ticket: AUD$60. There is a limit on numbers for this event.

Human life is a bumpy ride. Being born into our World comes with personal, familial societal expectations and conditioning which limit the expression of Self - our Divine Nature.

Kundalini and Awakening ignites and guides in returning to Wholeness. This path can often be overwhelming, exhausting and unrelenting in what and how it asks us to meet.

Reclaiming unlived and disavowed aspects, intelligence, gifts and capacity will empower individuals with improved energy efficiency also known as life potential, Qi, life force. Integration of life potential supports us to surf life with more ease, peacefulness and creative joy.

With deep trauma and nervous system awareness, this energetic container will support healing of general trauma and shame, clearing of opportunistic energies, reclaiming and integration of unlived life potential.

I offer this healing pathway as response to my own experiences of being held in uncontained chaos in group environments. We need safety, deep trauma and nervous system awareness the most when working energy and multidimensional levels. Being deep in and open is when we are most vulnerable and permeable to other’s processes and the group field. Come along to experience transformative healing in a safe and spacious group field.

With sincerity,


Common FAQs

  1. Does my camera have to be on?

    Yes, cameras are strongly preferred as this creates group safety which is important as we are working energetically and with big themes. I need to see you to be able to track your individual process which sits within our group process.

  2. Do I have to share in front of other people?

    No, there is no expectation to speak in front of others. There will be times when you will be invited to write in the chat box and opportunity to speak if you feel called to. As we are in a group setting there is a limit on share time.

  3. Why do doors close at 10.40am sharp?

    My facilitations are held in an energetic container where you will be guided into liminal space. It would be disruptive to participants deep states and our collective field to have late comers.

  4. Where do should I be during the healing?

    Please find a place that’s quiet and comfortable. Seated at a desk/sofa/floor, lying in bed/sofa/floor are all ok. Outside in a garden, or in nature is fine ensuring you have reception/Wi-Fi and I can see you clearly. Car sessions are ok, please be safely parked ie. not driving.

June 22

In-person Group Healing. Belonging and the root chakra.

November 29

Healing Personal Scarcity