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In-person Group Healing. Belonging and the root chakra.

In-person at Southern Yoga and Health Studio, Moorabbin, VIC Australia.

Healing theme: Belonging and the root chakra.

Time: 3.45pm arrival for 4-6pm session. Doors will close at 4pm sharp as this is an energetic container.

Ticket: AUD$60

Within all of us exists the deep longing to belong. The experience of belonging is entwined with complex relationships. It is usual to experience insecure attachment during early childhood leading to othering, being on the outside, loneliness and anxiety as we move through Life. Without an anchor or support for roots and the concept of Home, our energy systems are adrift unable to consolidate and operate cohesively.

As humans wired for connection, love and relating can be painful and edgy. Yet this is what we yearn the most - to love and be loved in return. This group healing will explore and unfold belonging so that new space can be created. As more space is created, life force can be reclaimed and reintegrated gifting more peace, harmony and health.

I offer this healing pathway as response to my own experiences of being held in uncontained chaos in group environments. When we are working energy and multidimensional levels, this is when we need safety, deep trauma and nervous system awareness the most. Being deep in and open is when we are most vulnerable and permeable to other’s processes and the group field.

With sincerity,


Common FAQs

  1. Do I have to share in front of other people?

    No, there is no expectation to share/speak in front of others. There will be opportunity to share if you feel so and as we are in a group setting there is a limit on circle time.

  2. Why do I have to arrive 15 minutes early before a session time?

    Please come earlier to land, register your name and settle into a spot in the studio.

  3. Why do doors close at 4pm sharp?

    My facilitations are held in an energetic container where you will be guided into liminal space. It would be disruptive to participants deep states and our collective field to have late comers.

  4. Do I have to bring anything?

    Please BYO yoga mat, pillow or blanket if you prefer. The Studio venue will have mats and blankets if you wish to borrow. Wear comfortable clothing. Other options are water bottle and journal to write any insights if you wish.

September 13

Online Group Healing