
Play. I often wonder how can I bring more into my life?

This a question that I’d never thought I’d ask myself as an adult. And realised I’ve been always unconsciously playful. It’s what has added that bounce to my step. Looking around me, I’ve noticed play in adulthood is an underrated, extremely devalued quality.

Playfulness doesn’t mean always keeping it light and easy. It also doesn’t mean you can’t take things seriously. To me, playful means curiosity, exploration, flexibility, able to be self compassionate when you make mistakes, having a go and not allowing fears to hold you back. Playfulness means armoured walls down, an open mind, creativity, finding inspiration from beyond four walls, generosity and opportunities. Wonderment.

These are amazing gifts that all arise from Play and I’m learning to bring more in, day by day.

And yes, I was the only parent screaming down the flying fox with my boy cheering me on. So fun.



