Group Healing.
An invitation to experience healing in a safe, trauma aware container where you can rest and be nourished.
Online or in-person for Melbourne, Australia. 90-120 minutes. AUD60. No application required.
This offering is my response to attending group experiences and teachings where I have felt unsafe in messy collective fields. Being held in uncontained chaos is alarming when working at soul level/higher consciousness. Energetic hygiene needs to be especially cared for during deep healing as this when we are open, permeable and vulnerable.
As way of sacred leadership, I weave healing containers where members feel safe and held within individual cocoons while engaging in a collective field. It is artistry to track many individuals and contain trauma in group setting simultaneously reading and facilitating healing in a collective field. I have discovered this is where I shine. Orchestrating grounded healing with graceful naturalness is my jam.
During a group healing, we begin with a short teaching followed by a healing process. There will be opportunity for sharing of insight and experiences. Through community sharing, each member of the group contributes medicine and lessons for us to receive deeper healing as a collective. Facilitation and integration will be in process throughout the session for group safety. Safety is paramount and I do my best to uphold this.
Online sessions are as potently transformative as in-person as we are working in the realm of energetics.
I am excited to share this inspired way of healing with you. Cx
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